
의학기술력은 스위스 경제산업에서 가장 빠르게 성장하고, 가장 혁신적인 부문 중 하나이다. 여러 성공의 이유 중 하나는 관련 분야에서 숙련된 전문적인 지식을 갖춘 고도로 숙련된 인적 자원이 있기 때문이다.

The industry has its roots in watchmaking and the machine engineering and manufacturing industries. Medtech requires similar technologies for its products; the availability in Switzerland of highly specialised staff with precision engineering skills and the rapid and efficient transfer of know-how from one sector to another have helped the industry flourish.

Many companies focus on the manufacture of surgical implants, but the sector also includes high-tech products such as imaging equipment and technical aids for hospitals. Activity extends from research and development to manufacturing and product distribution.

The Swiss medical technology industry encompasses about 1,600 companies with more than 50,000 employees. On average, these firms invest 13% of turnover in R&D and sell 90% of products abroad, accounting for more than 5% of Swiss exports.

All about the Business Destination Switzerland


  • Leading medtech specialists are available to conference organisers as speakers to provide insights into the latest developments in the field, analyse the market and discuss promising new avenues for research and development.

Switzerland is world leader

  • Switzerland probably has the greatest concentration of med tech companies in Europe. About 10% of people active in the field in Europe work in Switzerland.
  • The sector is innovative, highly competitive and strongly export-oriented. Switzerland is a world leader in fields such as implants and hearing devices.
  • Swiss companies register more than 1,200 patents every year in Switzerland and abroad.


Factsheet Switzerland Global Enterprise