SBB Congress Ticket

Villeneuve, EuroCity © Marcus Gyger

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Event organizers hosting congresses and conferences with over 300 delegates can utilize the new SBB Congress Ticket. This ticket provides attendees with a discounted round-trip fare, up to 50% off the standard rate, for travel between the Swiss border or airport and the event location. Organizers can incorporate this fare into the registration fee and provide delegates with voucher codes to facilitate online ticket issuance.

Advantages for event organizers

  • Flat-Fare Offer: Simplifies budgeting
  • Sustainability: Encourages attendees to travel via public transportation
  • Risk-Free Cost Calculation: Predictable and transparent costs
  • User-Friendly: Easy ticket issuance for participants


  • only for congresses with international attendance
  • a minimum of 300 attendees required

How it works

  1. Event Registration
    The attendees register for the congress / event, where the «Congress Ticket» is included.
  2. Receipt of coupon
    The attendees receive two SBB coupons from the organiser. One for the arrival, one for the departure.
  3. Redemption coupon
    The attendees get their public transportation tickets online and redeem the coupon as a mean of payment.
  4. Journey
    The attendees travel individually to their destination by public transport from their residence in Switzerland/point of entry and back. 


Excited to take your event a step closer to sustainability? Contact RailAway to get started!

Our independent advice is provided free and with no obligations.

Excited to take your event a step closer to sustainability? Contact RailAway to get started!

Samuel Bohren
Project Manager Events
Telephone +41 51 285 43 75

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